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Word Meanings - DEBASED - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Turned upside down from its proper position; inverted; reversed.

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    Delicacy or softness in the representation of flesh.
    1. A casting down; depression. Hallywell. 2. The act of humbling or abasing one's self. Adoration implies submission and dejection. Bp. Pearson. 3. Lowness of spirits occasioned by grief or misfortune; mental depression; melancholy. What besides,
    1. Having power, or tending, to cast down. 2. Promoting evacuations by stool. Ferrand.
    1. To make pure or clear from material defilement, admixture, or imperfection; to free from extraneous or noxious matter; as, to purify liquors or metals; to purify the blood; to purify the air. 2. Hence, in figurative uses: To free from guilt
    To grow better; to meliorate; as, wine ameliorates by age.
    In a correct manner; exactly; acurately; without fault or error.
    The state or quality of being miserable.
    One who corrupts, or who upholds corruption. Sydney Smith.
    1. Capable of being made corrupt; subject to decay. "Our corruptible bodies." Hooker. Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold. 1 Pet. i. 18. 2. Capable of being corrupted, or morally vitiated; susceptible of depravation.
    In an afflictive manner.
    1. Very unhappy; wretched. What hopes delude thee, miserable man Dryden. 2. Causing unhappiness or misery. What 's more miserable than discontent Shak. 3. Worthless; mean; despicable; as, a miserable fellow; a miserable dinner. Miserable comforters
    In a manner to debase.
    Fit or deserving to be despised; contemptible; mean; vile; worthless; as, a despicable man; despicable company; a despicable gift. Syn. -- Contemptible; mean; vile; worthless; pitiful; paltry; sordid; low; base. See Contemptible.
    Giving pain; causing continued or repeated pain or grief; distressing. "Jove's afflictive hand." Pope. Spreads slow disease, and darts afflictive pain. Prior.
    Containing or making correction; corrective.
    Grievously painful; distressing; afflictive; as, an afflicting event. -- Af*flict"ing*ly, adv.
    Turned upside down from its proper position; inverted; reversed.
    1. The cause of continued pain of body or mind, as sickness, losses, etc.; an instance of grievous distress; a pain or grief. To repay that money will be a biting affliction. Shak. 2. The state of being afflicted; a state of pain, distress, or
    Lacking some of the usual forms of declension or conjugation; as, a defective noun or verb. -- De*fect"ive*ly, adv. -- De*fect"ive*ness, n. (more info) 1. Wanting in something; incomplete; lacking a part; deficient; imperfect; faulty; -- applied
    To correct. When your worship's plassed to correctify a lady. Beau & Fl.
    Frosty; pruinose.
    1. Not correct; not according to a copy or model, or to established rules; inaccurate; faulty. The piece, you think, is incorrect. Pope. 2. Not in accordance with the truth; inaccurate; not exact; as, an incorrect statement or calculation. 3. Not
    Incorruptible. "The glory of the uncorruptible God." Rom. i.
    Expressing reproach; abusive; railing; taunting. "Convicious words." Queen Elizabeth .


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