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Word Meanings - PITIABLE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Deserving pity; wworthy of, or exciting, compassion; miserable; lamentable; piteous; as, pitiable persons; a pitiable condition; pitiable wretchedness. Syn. -- Sorrowful; woeful; sad. See Piteous. -- Pit"i*a*ble*ness, n. -- Pit"i*a*bly, adv.

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    feint, false, faint, F. feint, p.p. of feindre to feign, suppose, 1. Lacking strength; weak; languid; inclined to swoon; as, faint with fatigue, hunger, or thirst. 2. Wanting in courage, spirit, or energy; timorous; cowardly; dejected; depressed;
    In a squalid manner.
    The quality or state of being sordid.
    A basket made of rushes, used chiefly for containing figs and raisins. 2. The quantity of raisins -- about thirty-two, fifty-six, or seventy-five pounds, -- contained in a frail. 3. A rush for weaving baskets. Johnson.
    An iron or pope thimble or grommet worked into or attached to the edges and corners of a sail; -- usually in the plural. The cringles are used for making fast the bowline bridles, earings, etc. (more info) 1. A withe for fastening a gate.
    trifle, probably the same word as F. truffe truffle, the word being 1. A thing of very little value or importance; a paltry, or trivial, affair. With such poor trifles playing. Drayton. Trifles light as air Are to the jealous confirmation strong
    1. The act of weakening, or reducing strength. 2. The state of being weakened; effeminacy. Bacon.
    The state or quality of being miserable.
    1. Cast down; low-lying. From the safe shore their floating carcasses And broken chariot wheels; so thick bestrown Abject and lost lay these, covering the flood. Milton. 2. Sunk to a law condition; down in spirit or hope; degraded; servile;
    In a fawning manner.
    In a servile manner; slavishly.
    Quality or state of being squalid.
    1. Very unhappy; wretched. What hopes delude thee, miserable man Dryden. 2. Causing unhappiness or misery. What 's more miserable than discontent Shak. 3. Worthless; mean; despicable; as, a miserable fellow; a miserable dinner. Miserable comforters
    1. In the condition of, or like, a beggar; suitable for a beggar; extremely indigent; poverty-stricken; mean; poor; contemptible. "A bankrupt, beggarly fellow." South. "A beggarly fellowship." Swift. "Beggarly elements." Gal. iv. 9. 2. Produced
    Fit or deserving to be despised; contemptible; mean; vile; worthless; as, a despicable man; despicable company; a despicable gift. Syn. -- Contemptible; mean; vile; worthless; pitiful; paltry; sordid; low; base. See Contemptible.
    Quality of being servile; servility.
    The state of being nerveless.
    1. The condition quality of being frail, physically, mentally, or morally, frailness; infirmity; weakness of resolution; liableness to be deceived or seduced. God knows our frailty, pities our weakness. Locke. 2. A fault proceeding from weakness;
    A sham dealer; one who colludes with a defendant in a sham prosecution. 3. One who betrays or abuses a trust. Prynne. (more info) 1. One who prevaricates.
    The upper part of a ship's stern, which is flat like a table on the top, and sometimes ornamented with carved work; the rail around a ship's stern.
    To exceed in fawning.


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