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Word Meanings - TEETER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To move up and down on the ends of a balanced plank, or the like, as children do for sport; to seesaw; to titter; to titter- totter. alit upon the flower, and teetered up and down. H. W. Beecher.

Related words: (words related to TEETER)

    1. The act of laying planks; also, planks, collectively; a series of planks in place, as the wooden covering of the frame of a vessel. 2. The act of splicing slivers. See Plank, v. t., 4.
    Dressed with garlands of flowers. Milton.
    A genus of perennial herbs with swordlike leaves and large three-petaled flowers often of very gay colors, but probably white in the plant first chosen for the royal French emblem. Note: There are nearly one hundred species, natives of the north
    1. Full of flowers; abounding with blossoms. 2. Highly embellished with figurative language; florid; as, a flowery style. Milton. The flowery kingdom, China.
    State of being without flowers.
    Having no flowers. Flowerless plants, plants which have no true flowers, and produce no seeds; cryptigamous plants.
    All the animals and plants, taken collectively, which live at or near the surface of salt or fresh waters. --Plank*ton"ic , a.
    1. To shake so as to threaten a fall; to vacillate; to be unsteady; to stagger; as,an old man totters with age. "As a bowing wall shall ye be, and as a tottering fence." Ps. lxii. 3. 2. To shake; to reel; to lean; to waver. Troy nods from high,
    See TEETER
    The whimbrel.
    Without sport or mirth; joyless.
    Of pertaining to, or engaging in, sport or sporrts; exhibiting the character or conduct of one who, or that which, sports. Sporting book, a book containing a record of bets, gambling operations, and the like. C. Kingsley. -- Sporting house, a house
    A vessel, commonly or earthenware, for earth in which plants are grown.
    The state of being flowery.
    Tending to, engaged in, or provocate of, sport; gay; froliscome; playful; merry. Is it I That drive thee from the sportive court Shak. -- Sport"ive*ly, adv. -- Sport"ive*ness, n.
    Of or pertaining to sports; used in sports. "Sportal arms." Dryden.
    The act or result of balancing or adjusting; equipoise; even adjustment of forces. Darwin.
    See CROSSRUFF (more info) 1. A play among children in which they are seated upon the opposite ends of a plank which is balanced in the middle, and move alternately up and down. 2. A plank or board adjusted
    1. Full of sport; merry; frolicsome; full of jesting; indulging in mirth or play; playful; wanton; as, a sportful companion. Down he alights among the sportful herd. Milton. 2. Done in jest, or for mere play; sportive. They are no sportful
    Trembling or vaccilating, as if about to fall; unsteady; shaking. Johnson.
    The anemone; -- so called because formerly supposed to open only when the wind was blowing. See Anemone.
    An annual variety of Brassica oleracea, or cabbage of which the cluster of young flower stalks and buds is eaten as a vegetable. 2. The edible head or "curd" of a caulifower plant. (more info) caulis, and by E. flower; F. chou cabbage is fr. L.
    Play; sport; pastime; diversion; playfulness. Milton.
    To carry away or mislead wrongfully, as by passion. Bp. Hall.
    In England, the hawthorn; in New England, the trailing arbutus ; also, the blossom of these plants.
    That transports; fig., ravishing. Your transporting chords ring out. Keble.
    To strip of flowers. G. Fletcher.
    Transportation; the act of removing from one locality to another. "The transportal of seeds in the wool or fur of quadrupeds." Darwin.
    The quality or state of being transportable.
    A plant of the genus Trollius , found in the mountainous parts of Europe, and producing handsome globe-shaped flowers. The American plant Trollius laxus. Japan globeflower. See Corchorus.
    Conveyed from one place to another; figuratively, carried away with passion or pleasure; entranced. -- Trans*port"ed*ly, adv. -- Trans*port"ed*ness, n.


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