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Word Meanings - VEXATIOUS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Causing vexation; agitating; afflictive; annoying; as, a vexatious controversy; a vexatious neighbor. "Continual vexatious wars." South. 2. Full or vexation, trouble, or disquiet; disturbed. He leads a vexatious life. Sir K. Digby. Vexatious

Additional info about word: VEXATIOUS

1. Causing vexation; agitating; afflictive; annoying; as, a vexatious controversy; a vexatious neighbor. "Continual vexatious wars." South. 2. Full or vexation, trouble, or disquiet; disturbed. He leads a vexatious life. Sir K. Digby. Vexatious suit , a suit commenced for the purpose of giving trouble, or without cause. -- Vex*a"tious*ly, adv. -- Vex*a"tious*ness, n.

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    1. Requiring labor, perseverance, or sacrifices; toilsome; tiresome. Dost thou love watchings, abstinence, or toil, Laborious virtues all Learn these from Cato. Addison. 2. Devoted to labor; diligent; industrious; as, a laborious mechanic.
    1. Troublesomely urgent; unreasonably solicitous; overpressing in request or demand; urgent; teasing; as, an impotunate petitioner, curiosity. Whewell. 2. Hard to be borne; unendurable. Donne. -- Im*por"tu*nate*ly, adv. -- Im*por"tu*nate*ness, n.
    In an arduous manner; with difficulty or laboriousness.
    Giving trouble or anxiety; vexatious; burdensome; wearisome. This troublesome world. Book of Common Prayer. These troublesome disguises that we wear. Milton. My mother will never be troublesome to me. Pope. Syn. -- Uneasy; vexatious; perplexing;
    1. Wearisome; tedious; disagreeable or troublesome by reason of long continuance or repetition; as, irksome hours; irksome tasks. For not to irksome toil, but to delight, He made us. Milton. 2. Weary; vexed; uneasy. Let us therefore learn not to
    1. Hard to do or to make; beset with difficulty; attended with labor, trouble, or pains; not easy; arduous. Note: Difficult implies the notion that considerable mental effort or skill is required, or that obstacles are to be overcome which call
    difficilis difficult; dif- = dis- + facilis easy: cf. F. difficulté. 1. The state of being difficult, or hard to do; hardness; arduousness; -- opposed to easiness or facility; as, the difficulty of a task or enterprise; a work of difficulty. Not
    With difficulty. Cowper.
    1. Causing grief or sorrow; painful; afflictive; hard to bear; offensive; harmful. The famine was grievous in the land. Gen. xii. 10. The thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight. Gen. xxi 11. 2. Characterized by great atrocity; heinous;
    To render difficult; to difficilitate. Cotgrave.
    1. Steep and lofty, in a literal sense; hard to climb. Those arduous pats they trod. Pope. 2. Attended with great labor, like the ascending of acclivities; difficult; laborious; as, an arduous employment, task, or enterprise. Syn. -- Difficult;
    Involving tedium; tiresome from continuance, prolixity, slowness, or the like; wearisome. -- Te"di*ous*ly, adv. -- Te"di*ous*ness, n. I see a man's life is a tedious one. Shak. I would not be tedious to the court. Bunyan. Syn. -- Wearisome;
    Fitted or tending to tire; exhausted; wearisome; fatiguing; tedious; as, a tiresome journey; a tiresome discourse. -- Tire"some*ly, adv. -- Tire"some*ness, n.
    Difficulty. Golding.
    1. Causing vexation; agitating; afflictive; annoying; as, a vexatious controversy; a vexatious neighbor. "Continual vexatious wars." South. 2. Full or vexation, trouble, or disquiet; disturbed. He leads a vexatious life. Sir K. Digby. Vexatious
    The quality of being arduous; difficulty of execution.
    Too tedious.
    Dark; gloomy; murky. Spenser. -- Mirk"some*ness, n.


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