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Word Meanings - DURATION - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The state or quality of lasting; continuance in time; the portion of time during which anything exists. It was proposed that the duration of Parliament should be limited. Macaulay. Soon shall have passed our own human duration. D. Webster.

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    Of or pertaining to a period; constituting a complete sentence. Periodic comet , a comet that moves about the sun in an elliptic orbit; a comet that has been seen at two of its approaches to the sun. -- Periodic function , a function whose values
    One of a succession of niches or platforms, one above another, to hold ore which is thrown successively from platform to platform, and thus raised to a higher level. 2. pl. (more info) a bench, form, stool, fr. L. scamellum, dim. of scamnum
    An interval. And a' shall laugh without intervallums. Shak. In one of these intervalla. Chillingworth.
    1. Having the quality of spirit; tenuous in substance, and having active powers or properties; ethereal; immaterial; spiritual; pure. 2. Containing, or of the nature of, alcoholic spirit; consisting of refined spirit; alcoholic; ardent;
    Without bounds or confines; illimitable; vast; unlimited. "The boundless sky." Bryant. "The boundless ocean." Dryden. "Boundless rapacity." "Boundless prospect of gain." Macaulay. Syn. -- Unlimited; unconfined; immeasurable; illimitable; infinite.
    to D. kruipen, G. kriechen, Icel. krjupa, Sw. krypa, Dan. krybe. Cf. 1. To move along the ground, or on any other surface, on the belly, as a worm or reptile; to move as a child on the hands and knees; to crawl. Ye that walk The earth, and stately
    That which forms the foundation or support of anything; the basis; the essential or fundamental part; first principle. Dryden.
    p. p. of Grind. Chaucer.
    The lowest and supporting part or member of a wall, including the base course , under Base, n.) and footing courses; in a frame house, the whole substructure of masonry. 4. A donation or legacy appropriated to support a charitable institution,
    Tending to limit.
    Involving a limit; as, a limitive law, one designed to limit existing powers.
    A footprint; a track or vestige. Coleridge.
    The system of occasional causes; -- a name given to certain theories of the Cartesian school of philosophers, as to the intervention of the First Cause, by which they account for the apparent reciprocal action of the soul and the body.
    Capable of being limited.
    The state or quality of being active; nimbleness; agility; vigorous action or operation; energy; active force; as, an increasing variety of human activities. "The activity of toil." Palfrey. Syn. -- Liveliness; briskness; quickness.
    To extract spirit from; also, to convert into, or impregnate with, spirit. (more info) 1. To refine intellectiually or morally; to purify from the corrupting influence of the world; to give a spiritual character or tendency to; as, to spiritualize
    Surrounding the teeth.
    The quality of being conditional, or limited; limitation by certain terms.
    the state of being continuous; uninterupted connection or succession; close union of parts; cohesion; as, the continuity of fibers. Grew. The sight would be tired, if it were attracted by a continuity of glittering objects. Dryden. Law of continuity
    Kept at home.
    1. Having, or exercising, a disposition to advance the interest of the community or public; as, public-spirited men. 2. Dictated by a regard to public good; as, a public-spirited project or measure. Addison. -- Pub"lic-spir`it*ed*ly,
    Outward bound. Dryden.
    A genus of herbs mostly annual weeds; pigweed.
    To found erroneously. "Misgrounded conceit." Bp. Hall.
    The quality or state of being inconsequent; want of just or logical inference or argument; inconclusiveness. Bp. Stillingfleet. Strange, that you should not see the inconsequence of your own reasoning! Bp. Hurd.
    That which gives a safe, passage; either a convoy or guard to protect a person in an enemy's country or a foreign country, or a writing, pass, or warrant of security, given to a person to enable him to travel with safety. Shak.
    The act or state of recontinuing.
    Tired or sore of foot from travel; lamed. Nares.
    A large saltcellar formerly placed near the center of the table. The superior guests were seated above the saltfoot.
    An erroneous inference or conclusion. Bp. Hall.
    1. Not limited; having no bounds; boundless; as, an unlimited expanse of ocean. 2. Undefined; indefinite; not bounded by proper exceptions; as, unlimited terms. "Nothing doth more prevail than unlimited generalities." Hooker. 3. Unconfined; not
    One who stands near; a spectator; one who has no concern with the business transacting. He addressed the bystanders and scattered pamphlets among them. Palfrey. Syn. -- Looker on; spectator; beholder; observer.
    Wildcat insurance.


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