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Word Meanings - DATE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The fruit of the date palm; also, the date palm itself. Note: This fruit is somewhat in the shape of an olive, containing a soft pulp, sweet, esculent, and wholesome, and inclosing a hard kernel. Date palm, or Date tree , the genus of palms which

Additional info about word: DATE

The fruit of the date palm; also, the date palm itself. Note: This fruit is somewhat in the shape of an olive, containing a soft pulp, sweet, esculent, and wholesome, and inclosing a hard kernel. Date palm, or Date tree , the genus of palms which bear dates, of which common species is Phoenix dactylifera. See Illust. -- Date plum , the fruit of several species of Diospyros, including the American and Japanese persimmons, and the European lotus . -- Date shell, or Date fish , a bivalve shell, or its inhabitant, of the genus Pholas, and allied genera. See Pholas.

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    Of or pertaining to a period; constituting a complete sentence. Periodic comet , a comet that moves about the sun in an elliptic orbit; a comet that has been seen at two of its approaches to the sun. -- Periodic function , a function whose values
    One of a succession of niches or platforms, one above another, to hold ore which is thrown successively from platform to platform, and thus raised to a higher level. 2. pl. (more info) a bench, form, stool, fr. L. scamellum, dim. of scamnum
    An interval. And a' shall laugh without intervallums. Shak. In one of these intervalla. Chillingworth.
    Without bounds or confines; illimitable; vast; unlimited. "The boundless sky." Bryant. "The boundless ocean." Dryden. "Boundless rapacity." "Boundless prospect of gain." Macaulay. Syn. -- Unlimited; unconfined; immeasurable; illimitable; infinite.
    to D. kruipen, G. kriechen, Icel. krjupa, Sw. krypa, Dan. krybe. Cf. 1. To move along the ground, or on any other surface, on the belly, as a worm or reptile; to move as a child on the hands and knees; to crawl. Ye that walk The earth, and stately
    The quality or state of being senior.
    Tending to limit.
    Involving a limit; as, a limitive law, one designed to limit existing powers.
    The system of occasional causes; -- a name given to certain theories of the Cartesian school of philosophers, as to the intervention of the First Cause, by which they account for the apparent reciprocal action of the soul and the body.
    Capable of being limited.
    Surrounding the teeth.
    A racing stroke, in which the swimmer, lying flat on the water with face submerged, takes alternate overhand arm strokes while moving his legs up and down alternately from the knee.
    To bind or hold by, or as if by, a spell or charm; to fascinate, esp. by eloquence of speech, as in a political campaign. - - Spell"bind`er , n.
    1. The quality of being ancient; ancientness; great age; as, a statue of remarkable antiquity; a family of great antiquity. 2. Old age. It not your voice broken . . . and every part about you blasted with antiquity Shak. 3. Ancient times; former
    See ADAMS
    One of the intervals, or open places, between the lines of the staff. Absolute space, Euclidian space, etc. See under Absolute, Euclidian, etc. -- Space line , a thin piece of metal used by printers to open the lines of type to a regular distance
    Crawly; having or producing a sensation like that caused by insects creeping on the skin. One's whole blood grew curdling and creepy. R. Browning.
    1. A creeping creature; a reptile. There is one creeping beast, or long creeple (as the name is in Devonshire), that hath a rattle at his tail that doth discover his age. Morton . 2. One who is lame; a cripple. Thou knowest how lame a creeple
    A division of time characterized by the prevalence of similar conditions of the earth; commonly a minor division or part of a period. The long geological epoch which stored up the vast coal measures. J. C. Shairp. The date at which a planet or comet
    Difference in pitch between any two tones. At intervals, coming or happening with intervals between; now and then. "And Miriam watch'd and dozed at intervals." Tennyson. -- Augmented interval , an interval increased by half a step or half a tone.
    Kept at home.
    Outward bound. Dryden.
    The act or state of recontinuing.
    1. Not limited; having no bounds; boundless; as, an unlimited expanse of ocean. 2. Undefined; indefinite; not bounded by proper exceptions; as, unlimited terms. "Nothing doth more prevail than unlimited generalities." Hooker. 3. Unconfined; not
    An erroneous inference or conclusion. Bp. Hall.
    imp. & p. p. of Unbind.
    To spell again.
    A remedy possessing the property of preventing the return of periodic paroxysms, or exacerbations, of disease, as in intermittent fevers.
    A hardening of the heart; hardness of heart.
    Having no bound or limit; as, unbounded space; an, unbounded ambition. Addison. -- Un*bound"ed*ly, adv. -- Un*bound"ed*ness, n.


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