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Word Meanings - HAND - Book Publishers vocabulary database

hant, Dan. haand, Icel. hönd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hinpan 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in man and monkeys, and the corresponding part in many other animals; manus; paw. See Manus. 2. That which resembles,

Additional info about word: HAND

hant, Dan. haand, Icel. hönd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hinpan 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in man and monkeys, and the corresponding part in many other animals; manus; paw. See Manus. 2. That which resembles, or to some extent performs the office of, a human hand; as: A limb of certain animals, as the foot of a hawk, or any one of the four extremities of a monkey. An index or pointer on a dial; as, the hour or minute hand of a clock. 3. A measure equal to a hand's breadth, -- four inches; a palm. Chiefly used in measuring the height of horses. 4. Side; part; direction, either right or left. On this hand and that hand, were hangings. Ex. xxxviii. 15. The Protestants were then on the winning hand. Milton. 5. Power of performance; means of execution; ability; skill; dexterity. He had a great mind to try his hand at a Spectator. Addison. 6. Actual performance; deed; act; workmanship; agency; hence, manner of performance. To change the hand in carrying on the war. Clarendon. Gideon said unto God, If thou wilt save Israel by my hand. Judges vi.

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    Any fact or truth which is decisively attested or intuitively known as a psychological or philosophical datum; as, the deliverance of consciousness. (more info) 1. The act of delivering or freeing from restraint, captivity, peril, and the like;
    Anything made so as to form alternate squares lke those of a checkerboard.
    One who consigns. See Consignor.
    Stifling. The close and stifled study. Hawthorne.
    One who, or that which, transmits; specifically, that portion of a telegraphic or telephonic instrument by means of which a message is sent; -- opposed to receiver.
    That which tightens; specifically , a tightening pulley.
    pay, give, restore, make an offering; akin to OFries. jelda, OS. geldan, D. gelden to cost, to be worth, G. gelten, OHG. geltan to pay, restore, make an offering, be worth, Icel. gjalda to pay, give up, Dan. gielde to be worth, Sw. gälla to be
    The principles or practices of a martinet; rigid adherence to discipline, etc.
    One who exposes or discloses.
    Capable of being, or about to be, delivered; necessary to be delivered. Hale.
    One who suppresses.
    The European sapphirine gurnard . It has large pectoral fins.
    In an utter manner; to the full extent; fully; totally; as, utterly ruined; it is utterly vain.
    The quality or state of being utter, or extreme; extremity; utmost; uttermost.
    1. A short rein looped over the check hook to prevent a horse from lowering his head; -- called also a bearing rein. 2. A branch rein connecting the driving rein of one horse of a span or pair with the bit of the other horse.
    One who rescues.
    1. The art or skill of a workman; the execution or manner of making anything. Due reward For her praiseworthy workmanship to yield. Spenser. Beauty is nature's brag, and must be shown . . . Where most may wonder at the workmanship. Milton. 2. That
    Capable of being repressed.
    Any one of numerous species of passerine birds of the family Hirundinidæ, especially one of those species in which the tail is deeply forked. They have long, pointed wings, and are noted for the swiftness and gracefulness of their flight. Note:
    The act of consigning or sending property to an agent or correspondent in another place, as for care, sale, etc. (more info) 1. The act of consigning; consignation.
    Not utterable; incapable of being spoken or voiced; inexpressible; ineffable; unspeakable; as, unutterable anguish. Sighed and looked unutterable things. Thomson. -- Un*ut"ter*a*ble*ness, n. -- Un*ut"ter*a*bly, adv.
    So tight as to prevent the passing through of wind. Bp. Hall.
    One who mutters.
    1. To deliver or give back; to return. Ay 2. To deliver or liberate a second time or again. 3. To report; to deliver the answer of. "Shall I redeliver you e'en so" Shak.
    So tight as to retain, or not to admit, water; not leaky.
    One who labors with another; an associate in labor.
    1. A channel at the eaves of a roof for conveying away the rain; an eaves channel; an eaves trough. 2. A small channel at the roadside or elsewhere, to lead off surface water. Gutters running with ale. Macaulay. 3. Any narrow channel or groove;
    A kind of candy, mainly composed of sugar and butter. Dickens.
    An instrument to cut straw for fodder.
    1. Act of delivering back. 2. A second or new delivery or liberation.


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