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Word Meanings - RESCUE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To free or deliver from any confinement, violence, danger, or evil; to liberate from actual restraint; to remove or withdraw from a state of exposure to evil; as, to rescue a prisoner from the enemy; to rescue seamen from destruction. Had I been

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To free or deliver from any confinement, violence, danger, or evil; to liberate from actual restraint; to remove or withdraw from a state of exposure to evil; as, to rescue a prisoner from the enemy; to rescue seamen from destruction. Had I been seized by a hungry lion, I would have been a breakfast to the best, Rather than have false Proteus rescue me. Shak. Syn. -- To retake; recapture; free; deliver; liberate; release; save. (more info) L. pref. re- re- + excutere to shake or drive out; ex out + quatere

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    Much improving.
    Any fact or truth which is decisively attested or intuitively known as a psychological or philosophical datum; as, the deliverance of consciousness. (more info) 1. The act of delivering or freeing from restraint, captivity, peril, and the like;
    Anything made so as to form alternate squares lke those of a checkerboard.
    To affect reformation; to pretend to correctness.
    That may be reclaimed.
    Forming again; having the quality of renewing form; reformatory. Good.
    One who consigns. See Consignor.
    Stifling. The close and stifled study. Hawthorne.
    The condition or quality of being convertible; capability of being exchanged; convertibleness. The mutual convertibility of land into money, and of money into land. Burke.
    1. One who redeems himself, as from debt or servitude. 2. Formerly, one who, wishing to emigrate from Europe to America, sold his services for a stipulated time to pay the expenses of his passage.
    One who, or that which, transmits; specifically, that portion of a telegraphic or telephonic instrument by means of which a message is sent; -- opposed to receiver.
    One who exposes or discloses.
    Capable of being, or about to be, delivered; necessary to be delivered. Hale.
    One who reclaims.
    One who suppresses.
    The European sapphirine gurnard . It has large pectoral fins.
    Set at liberty.
    In an utter manner; to the full extent; fully; totally; as, utterly ruined; it is utterly vain.
    The quality or state of being utter, or extreme; extremity; utmost; uttermost.
    1. A short rein looped over the check hook to prevent a horse from lowering his head; -- called also a bearing rein. 2. A branch rein connecting the driving rein of one horse of a span or pair with the bit of the other horse.
    To form beforehand, or for special ends. "Their natures and preformed faculties. " Shak.
    Not utterable; incapable of being spoken or voiced; inexpressible; ineffable; unspeakable; as, unutterable anguish. Sighed and looked unutterable things. Thomson. -- Un*ut"ter*a*ble*ness, n. -- Un*ut"ter*a*bly, adv.
    One who mutters.
    1. To deliver or give back; to return. Ay 2. To deliver or liberate a second time or again. 3. To report; to deliver the answer of. "Shall I redeliver you e'en so" Shak.
    To cover again. Sir W. Scott.
    1. A channel at the eaves of a roof for conveying away the rain; an eaves channel; an eaves trough. 2. A small channel at the roadside or elsewhere, to lead off surface water. Gutters running with ale. Macaulay. 3. Any narrow channel or groove;
    pay, give, restore, make an offering; akin to OFries. jelda, OS. geldan, D. gelden to cost, to be worth, G. gelten, OHG. geltan to pay, restore, make an offering, be worth, Icel. gjalda to pay, give up, Dan. gielde to be worth, Sw. gälla to be
    Not turned or changed about. Sir T. Browne.


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