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Practice and improve writing style. Write like Ernest Hemingway

Improve your writing style by practicing using this free tool

Practice and improve your writing style below

Below, I have some random texts from popular authors. All you have to do is, spend some time daily, and type these lines in the box below. And, eventually, your brain picks the writing style, and your own writing style improves!

Practice writing like:

Type these lines in the boxes below to practice and improve your writing style.

He had married on the rebound from the rotten time he had in college, and Frances took him on the rebound from his discovery that he had not been everything to his first wife. He was not in love yet but he realized that he was an attractive quantity to women, and that the fact of a woman caring for him and wanting to live with him was not simply a divine miracle. This changed him so that he was not so pleasant to have around. Also, playing for higher stakes than he could afford in some rather steep bridge games with his New York connections, he had held cards and won several hundred dollars. It made him rather vain of his bridge game, and he talked several times of how a man could always make a living at bridge if he were ever forced to.


“But I thought he was fine with the cape before.”


“You ought to write a book on wines, count,” I said.


“Have another absinthe. Here, waiter! Another absinthe for this señor.”


“I’m coming over some night. The Dingo. That’s the great place, isn’t it?”


'You are not that kind of a soldier and I am not that sort of girl. But some time give me something lasting that I can wear and be happy each time I wear it.'


'How do you feel about the Russians, if it is not indiscreet to ask, my Colonel?'


'You say nice things very clearly sometimes. What was it happened with you and your wife, if I may ask?'


'You are never dull, to me, and I love you and I only wish we could be cheerful to-night.'


'Of course,' the Gran Maestro said. 'But everyone must comply with his duty and here the rules are reasonable and we all should comply with them; me especially, as a matter of precept.'


'The dirty little bugger,' Nick said and smacked the squirrel's head against the tree. 'Look how he bit me. 3


'No. It's bad for me. Cole Porter wrote the words and the music. This knowledge that you're going mad for me.'


Oh, the dirty bastards! Dirty bastards! Oh, the lousy, dirty bastards! He kicked into a cushion as he ran.


He turned and looked down the stream. It stretched away, pebbly-bottomed with shallows and big boulders and a deep pool as it curved away around the foot of a bluff.


We went out to the car and drove back to Fontan's, stopping on the way to leave the key. Fontan did not say anything but swear in English. He was incoherent and crushed. We went in the house.



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